LaVern and I left April 9, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. to start our spring trip. The weather was great! When we got about halfway to our destination, we missed a turn. We ended up having to call the House of Hope (our first destination) and asked Terry, the Assistant Executive Director, for help. My GPS was constantly saying, “Rerouting!” A very annoying voice might I add. Terry told us to have Seri get us to Champaign, IL and he would direct us from there. Thank the Lord for Terry and getting us safely there even though it was 10:15 p.m. They were expecting us at 6:00 p.m. Our topic we discussed was “Meditating on the Word of God.” It was powerful and we got quite a few videos of the residents and the AED’s sharing what they received and what it is like to run a place like this. The Videos are on this webpage don’t forget to look.
The last evening we were at the House of Hope, Terry and Nelda had us over to their apartment to share a nice steak meal with them and some of their staff. I interviewed them that night. We left House of Hope on April 12 th and stayed overnight in Knoxville, TN. We were traveling to see our grandchildren and the new great granddaughter, Ellie Gifford. What a beauty she is! We had a couple of days with them to enjoy their new home. One evening they took us to Steve’s Classic Burgers. What a treat and right next to it was an ice cream shop. We enjoyed that too!
The last mission we went to Kentucky Mission Bible Training Center in Saylersville, KY. We spoke 9 times there on the Gifts of the Spirit. Took a lot of videos there too and interviewed the AED’s. One of the staff members took us out to eat at the Farmhouse. Dave ate this gigantic burger. It was a fun evening and we listened as Dave told us stories about his life. Another interesting tidbit is that there were two girls at this mission that looked and acted just like a couple of our granddaughters. It was hard to say goodbye to them for sure. Each place we gave a faith challenge to them. Courtney at House of Hope to receive her legs. She had a car accident and lost both legs. Nothing is impossible with God. At Set Free more people to come in so they can fill up. Ohio Mission Bible Training Center for Patches the dog to receive her sight and hearing. She was born without them. At Kentucky Mission Bible Training Center their faith challenge was for Dave to get a new leg and for that Mission to have their own building. Our next place was Grace Mission Bible Training Center in Paragould, Arkansas for
their banquet. We had a lovely hotel room, and the banquet was delightful. We met new and old friends. Our last stop before heading home was to visit friends and partners in St. Louis, MO, Steve & Gloria Gardner. They treated us like royalty. The first night they had our good friends, Dickman’s, over for a great lasagna meal. We acted like young high school kids staying up all hours of the night sharing what God has been doing in our lives. Iron sharpens iron. The last night we were there we knew the Gardner’s were having their 48th Anniversary so we took them out to the Cheesecake Factory. What a great time it was. We got home May 1 st and went out for pizza, unpacked our van, and crashed in bed. I’m glad we gave all we had and now it is time to fill back up so we can give out again. Enjoy life, it is worth living! Be sure to check out our interviews from the Trip on our Videos page! Love, Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit, Sandy Comments are closed.
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